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Bluebonnet Books!

This week I met with 3rd, 4th, and 5th graders to talk about this year's Bluebonnet Books! The Texas Bluebonnet Award reading program was established to encourage Texas children in grades 3-6 to explore a variety of current books. Students are encouraged to participate by reading at least five of the twenty nominees, then voting for their favorite in January. The author of the book with the most votes is given an award.

UHE students have the opportunity to earn prizes for reading this year's nominees. Once they have finished a Bluebonnet Book, they respond to a form that can be found in the Bluebonnet Books section (under students) on this website. Prizes are earned at 5, 10, 15, and 20 books read. There are some amazing books on the this point I've read 18 of them and look forward to reading the last two. I can't wait to see which one is the winner!

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